Thursday, February 21, 2008


If I were a month I would be: May

If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday

If I were a time of day I would be: 11:00

If I were a sea animal I would be: hammerhead

If I were a historical figure I would be: Martin L King

If I were a stone or gem, I would be: Lavender

If I were a bird, I would be: falcon

If I were a flower/plant, I would be: red plant

If I were a kind of weather, I would be: warm

If I were a musical instrument, I would be: drums

If I were an animal, I would be: lion

If I were a color, I would be: green

If I were an emotion, I would be: Goofy

If I were a vegetable, I would be: Corn

If I were a sound, I would be: Drums

If I were a car, I would be: BMW

If I were a song, I would be: Cant tell me nothing

If I were a movie, I would be: Boys in da hood

If I were a food, I would be: Chicken

If I were a place, I would be: downtown

If I were a material or fabric, I would be: cotton

If I were a scent, I would be: Vanilla

If I were a word, I would be: Showtime

If I were a subject in school I would be: reading

If I were a comic book character I would be: Spiderman

If I were a shape I would be: Circle


Patrice said...

you ain't no spiderman baby nuts.

Lady Gemini said...

corn wat up nigga u kno who this is yo g brandi